In Person Training Days

In Person Training Days

Pastoral and Onboarding

Pastoral and Onboarding

1 Day

£59.00 incl. VAT

Ensure all paperwork is completed and household issues are resolved. To have all checks in place so candidates are ready for runs and can start shadowing on allocated dates without delay.

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Communication, Professional Conduct and Basic Housekeeping Skills

Communication, Professional Conduct and Basic Housekeeping Skills

1 Day

£79.00 incl. VAT

A course designed to prepare the candidates for basic skills they may be expected to perform regularly and also the benchmarks for expected levels of communication, knowledge, skills and behaviours, as well as covering cultural differences in British terminology. This will ensure the highest level of care when working in the UK.

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Stoma and Catheter Care

Stoma and Catheter Care

Half Day

£49.00 incl. VAT

We equip care workers in person with the knowledge to understand all that is involved with catheter care procedures.

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Practical Medication Awareness

Practical Medication Awareness

1 Day

£49.00 incl. VAT

You will learn everything you need to know about handling the medication for your clients to enhance medication safety and minimize errors in your placement of work.

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Clinical Training First Aid

Clinical Training First Aid

Half Day

£49.00 incl. VAT

To give candidates basic practical skills, to gain the understanding of basic life-saving skills and to be able to physically care for service users.

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Manual Handling

Manual Handling

Half Day

£49.00 incl. VAT

To avoid causing injury and/or preventing serious outcomes for service users experiencing difficulties.

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Basic Care Skills

Basic Care Skills

1 Day

£79.00 incl. VAT

To give candidates the basic practical skills when handling, feeding and giving personal care to service users.

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Shadowing Introduction and Mop up

Shadowing Introduction and Mop up

1 Day

£79.00 incl. VAT

Profile to be given to service user and aims to provide the necessary information and gives a personalised overview of prospective carers. Ensure learners have completed all necessary training and attended any bespoke training if needed before shadowing starts. A retraining opportunity to retake any theory or practical sessions not passed and complete any outstanding E-learning courses to fill in any possible gaps in learning.

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